Financial Advisor in Mount Pleasant, SC

Charleston/Mt. Pleasant, SC

For those who enjoy feelings of freedom, financial planning sits near the top of their adulting priority list. We are all different and unique in our own way, but one common element we all share is the utilization of money. Whether it be for an experience, a home, or a child’s education, money is consistently a part of our lives, acting as the primary medium for goods and services.

Knowing personal finance plays such a major part of our lives, successful people organize and manage their finances to minimize the stress associated with money, while providing a financial foundation that allows freedom of mind and experience.

Contact Us to Get Started

Words from Our Clients in Mount Pleasant, SC

Financial Planning Services

As financial advisors in Mount Pleasant, SC, it’s our responsibility to take a comprehensive look at your financial picture. We intake and review your finances, get to know you and the direction you’d like to go, then design your financial plan to be in harmony with that direction by using these:

Cash Flow Optimizing

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Cash Flow Optimizing

Allocating your sources of income so that each dollar is most effectively applied to the areas that are important to you.


Insurance Aligning

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Insurance Aligning

We assist you in discovering and giving towards only the coverage needed for your most effective financial plan.

Lifestyle Saving

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Lifestyle Saving

Whether your vision is to work zero hours a week or you prefer to keep boppin until you drop, we’ll help create a pool of resources to support your lifestyle in line with your desired work-life fulfillment.


Income Creating

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Income Creating

For the period of your life when you’re reliant on your assets to provide cash flow, we incorporate a custom tax-efficient design that best compliments your personal financial plan.

Tax Planning

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Tax Planning

We look for tax-advantaged opportunities within your operating life and your overall investment portfolio to ensure you keep more of the dollars you create for yourself.


Estate Planning

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Estate Planning

Ensuring a smooth transition of assets provides ease to loved ones after an unexpected event. Working alongside your trusted attorney, we’ll help develop an estate plan that works in tandem with your current financial goals.

Benefits of Starting Financial Planning Early

  • You will reap the benefit of compound growth over a greater number of years.

  • Starting early grants you greater financial flexibility during your working years. There are certain to be significant expenses that arise throughout your career. Having an asset base that is already growing only adds to the resources you’ll create for yourself.

  • You’ll have the time that allows for higher risk, higher returning investments in your portfolio. The longer your timeframe, the more cushion you create for yourself to withstand market fluctuations.

  • You will provide yourself net positive growth compared to inflation. Over your career, inflation will reduce the purchasing power of the dollars you earn. Investing in assets that exceed average annual inflation over those years keeps you ahead of any potential loss in value due to inflation.

  • Peace of mind. In our opinion, this is where the rubber meets the road. You want to know the resources are there to provide for yourself, your family, and the experiences you wish to have. Dollars for the sake of dollars don’t mean much, it’s the feeling of freedom offered by a healthy nest egg that’s so invaluable.

Benefits of Working with Holy City Prosperity

  • The world of finance has the reputation of being tense and high-strung. Attending meetings to discuss finances has the tendency to create feelings of uneasiness and apprehension. At HCP, we cultivate a space that allows for a more open, comfortable approach.

  • Most financial plans include pages of charts, graphs, and analysis that can overwhelm, leading to discouragement towards the plan. We take the time to discover exactly what you want, and nothing more, so that your service is customized to you, and frees up your time for doing things you enjoy.

  • Most financial planners who are hired to provide investment management typically pass on the job of investment management to a third party, thereby only reviewing your investments as little as once a year. At HCP, your assets are personally managed using an ongoing and active approach.

Our Financial Planning Process

HCP employs a selective client process, ensuring your investments and financial matters are given the attention they deserve. Whereas most firms take on hundreds of clients, HCP limits its client base to 50 households. This approach allows you greater degree of access to your advisor, and ensures they are familiar with your life beyond what’s in the database.

  • Discovery: We start with a complimentary meeting, allowing us to become familiar with each other’s vibe and expectations. Mutual trust is a key element of financial planning. With established trust, we can create a collaborative relationship catered to your needs. We learn what’s important to you, then determine if we can help. Once there is a reciprocal understanding, you can consider moving forward with developing a strategy.

  • Strategy: Prior to our second meeting, we will layout the information you’ve provided to us, and develop a plan based on your individual needs. We’ll then present the plan, ensuring you have an understanding of how it works for you. Upon agreement, we’ll move forward with implementing the plan.

  • Implementation: We will assist you in bringing together the elements of your financial strategy. Depending on your situation, this phase usually takes 1-3 weeks. We’ll be in steady communication, ensuring your transition is smooth as possible.

  • Ongoing Growth: Once your strategy is in place, we maintain open lines of communication, allowing adjustments to be made as necessary. You will inevitably come upon stages of growth in your life experience, and we enjoy being able to have your plan grow right alongside you.

Who We Assist

Are you a good fit for Holy City Prosperity? Do any of these resonate with you:

  • I am a saver.

  • I prefer to free up my time by delegating decisions to a financial professional.

  • I value security, flexibility, and freedom.

  • I appreciate working with good people.

  • I like peace of mind.

If they do, consider allowing us to assist you. Some common scenarios we’ve provided services to include:

  • High Earners just starting out saving and looking to build up financial security quickly.

  • Mid-career professionals who’ve saved with discipline, and would like to have their assets work more efficiently for them beyond standard savings accounts and mutual funds.

  • Those approaching retirement with a foundation of assets that needed optimized for the transition to retirement and living on passive income.

  • Individuals who’ve went through a significant life event, whether it was business, marriage, or a parent’s passing, and needed help establishing a foundation of security for themselves.